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Determining the necessary and appropriate resilient design strategies to be incorporated in a project is a collaborative process we undertake with our clients. This is best accomplished in the context of a design charrette, an interactive workshop with project stakeholders that encourages confirmation of the project’s overall goals and objectives and identifies the issues most critical to the project’s success.

Through a series of engaging discussions and activities, FGM will guide charrette participants through an assessment of potential shocks and stresses affecting the project, prioritize these concerns, and identify design strategies to counteract them. Some of the issues addressed might include:

  • What are the key challenges and opportunities within the surrounding community, e.g. its infrastructure, services, capabilities, and reliability?

  • What is the appropriate level of sustainability for the building? How can long term operating costs be minimized while providing a comfortable environment for the occupants?

  • Are natural light and natural ventilation desirable and to what degree?

  • Are alternative sources of power necessary for some or all building systems?

  • Can the siting and layout of the building provide “passive” benefits in energy performance or safety and security?


To learn more about FGM’s Resilient Communities Design Charrette, get in touch with one of our experts!

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