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FGM Architects Louise Kowalczyk & Raegan Porter on Fire Station Furnishings and “Creating Your Home"


FGM Architects Louise Kowalczyk and Raegan Porter detail the holistic approach needed to create Assistant Fire Chief Tate Haley’s vision for a state-of-the art fire station in their article “Station Furnishings: Creating Your Home Away from Home” published in the October issue of Firehouse Magazine. The article features the new Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District Headquarters Station which synthesizes the functional aspects of station design while providing furnishings that create an environment which fosters the well-being of its staff.

Who better to write the article than the station’s own design architect and interior designer? Please enjoy these photos of the impressive new station. For more information on the process and considerations of creating this station and others like it – read Louise and Raegan’s in-depth article follow this link to the Firehouse Magazine website.

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