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Resilient communities protect their most vulnerable members.

Assessing potential risks and determining appropriate measures – through good design, technology, and effective

day-to-day operations – will bolster the resilience of communities to manmade threats and hazards.


Tragic events over the last two decades have spurred designers to consider a full palette of strategies to create safer environments for their clients. Implementing Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) design principles, for example, can influence behavior and deter crime through the careful planning of the physical setting. Assessing potential risks and determining appropriate responses – through good design, technology and effective day-to-day operations – will bolster the resilience of communities to manmade threats and hazards.


"This way, not over there"

  • Guide people through spaces

  • Clear lines of sight

  • Single point of entry

  • Divert people to reception areas

Access Control

"I can see you"

  • Window overlooks

  • Surveillance of traffic circulation areas

  • Visible landscape designs

  • Well lit exterior areas

  • Transparent vestibules

Natural Surveillance

"This is school property"

  • Clearly delineate private territory

  • Provide clear and well lit signage

  • Separate activities

  • Restrict school activities to school property

Territorial Reinforcement

"We take pride in our community"


  • Maintenance is related to territorial reinforcement

  • A well-maintained facility sends the message that people care about their buildings which discourages vandalism and other crimes

  • "Broken Windows Theory" - the idea that one broken window will entice vandals to break another.



  • ​Review risk tolerance

  • Identify available resources (i.e. financial, staff, police, fire, ambulance)

  • Meet with first responders and AHJ’s - authorities having jurisdiction to discuss study

Task 1 - Establish Goals & Objectives
  • Identify and review threats and hazards

  • Gather historical data 

  • Review each site and understand existing conditions and potential liabilities

Task 2 - Prepare a Threat Assessment
  • Identify solution for each threat and hazard identified

  • Prepare conceptual design solution and cost

  • Determine priorities

  • Prepare draft report

​Task 3 - Develop a Mitigation Plan
  • Review findings with district

  • Share with governmental agencies and first responders

  • Finalize report, present to BOE

  • Implement recommendations as part of maintenance, capital or long-range master planning projects

Task 4  - Review & Implementation



FGMA assists our clients in identifying grant funding sources for security design solutions and can prepare applications and supporting materials for submission.


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