FGM Architects congratulates the Village of Addison, our partner of over 20 years. Our relationship with the Village includes many projects, one of which was the 2011 renovation of their old dispatch center. Proud to be their partner once again, FGM collaborated with both the village and the Addison Police Department to design their new state-of-the art dispatch center, which will serve not only the Village of Addison but 14 additional partner police and fire agencies.
It was with much excitement that FGM staff members along with Mayor Rich Veenstra, DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin, DuPage County Emergency Telephone System Board Chairman Gary Grasso, Addison Police Department Director Bill Hayden, and representatives from the Village of Addison and their partner police and fire agencies attended the new Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center groundbreaking on August 31.
Partnering with Carlson Construction, we expect the center to be completed in November of 2017. The 20,000 sf facility will be truly impressive, constructed to withstand wind speeds of up to 200 mph and the force of an EF4 tornado. Uninteruptable power systems will ensure that the facility is operational at all times and able to serve as a back up to all of Dupage County’s 911 public safety answering systems.
The new building incorporates many vitally important safety features but it is also designed with the well-being of the staff who operate out of that building in mind. The internal environment offers amenities which not only enable them to perform their jobs efficiently and effectively but will also provide outlets to help alleviate the stress that comes with it.